How to Save on Energy Bills During the Warmer Months


Want some tips on how to save on energy bills when it’s hot outside? Your timing is perfect since temperatures are already heating up and summer will be here before you know it. Here are five tips on how to save on energy bills while keeping your home cool and comfortable during the warmer months.

1) Use Window Film

The sun produces infrared light that heats up your home as it filters through your windows. This causes your AC to work overtime and your energy bills to shoot up. Window film designed to block out the sun’s rays can help your home to stay cool and comfortable while controlling energy costs. This film reduces the amount of sun rays that enter your home through the windows, so your home doesn’t get as hot. Since it’s made of multiple fine layers that insulate your windows, it also holds in more of the cool air generated by your home’s cooling system.

3M™ Sun Control Window Film is a great example of window film that cuts energy costs while enhancing the appearance of your windows and still allowing in 40-70% of natural light. This multi-layer film uses nano-technology to block out 97% of infrared light and reject up to 60% of the heat that comes through windows. It also blocks out a significant percentage of the harmful UV rays that can fade your furnishings and belongings.

2) Check Vents and Air Filters

Check your air filters and replace old dirty, dusty filters with energy-efficient filters designed to help your home’s cooling system work more efficiently and lower energy costs. Also, check all the vents throughout your home to make sure they are fully open and not covered by rugs, furniture, or other objects.

3) Upgrade to a Smart Thermostat

Consider upgrading to a smart thermostat that you can adjust from anywhere using an app on your smartphone. This kind of thermostat allows you to turn up the temperature when you’ll be away, even if you forget to do it before you leave home. And you can adjust to a cooler temperature when you’re on your way back home. It’s a good idea to get an AC tune-up before it gets super hot anyway, so ask your HVAC technician about installing a smart thermostat when they visit your home.

4) Switch to LED Bulbs

Regular incandescent bulbs release heat. They also use a lot more energy than LEDs and compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs). Replacing incandescent bulbs with LEDs and CFLs throughout your home can make a significant difference in your utility bills. These bulbs cost more up front, but they last a lot longer and will pay for themselves in the long run. If you don’t want to replace all your bulbs at once, just replace a few at a time as old bulbs burn out. In the meantime, keep an eye out for sales so you have them on hand when you need them.

5) Change How You Cook

Cooking in the oven in the summer can push up the temperature in your home and put a strain on your home’s cooling system. If you enjoy cooking, try preparing more foods on the stovetop or in small appliances like multi-cookers and microwave ovens, which don’t require as much energy or release as much heat. Summer is also the perfect time to cook out on the grill and eat more chilled foods like salads and cold sandwiches that don’t require cooking at all.

When used in combination with window film, these tips can help lower your energy costs and maintain a more comfortable interior temperature as the summer months approach!

Want to Learn More on How to Save on Energy Bills with Window Film?

Carolina Solar Security is a premium 3M™ Authorized Window Film Dealer in Wilmington, NC. We have been providing North Carolina homeowners and business owners with window tinting solutions since 1985 and never stop working to bring our customers the best products paired with the most skilled window film technicians. Reach out to us for your free quote today!