
Dual-Reflective Window Film: What Is It?

Finding a happy medium between a beautiful view and privacy is a challenge that just about every business owner faces. We all love a room or lobby with big, expansive windows and the natural light they let in. They make your employees and clients feel the warmth of the sun [...]

By |March 29, 2022|

Office Window Tinting Ideas for Your Business

As more companies shift to remote work, keeping employees happy in a traditional office setting is becoming increasingly difficult. Working from home typically means more flexibility and privacy, which is what makes remote jobs so appealing to prospective employees. That being said, companies that need in-office help have to work [...]

By |October 29, 2021|

Decorative Window Film Applications for Homes

Are you looking for fun and creative ways to liven up your space? While home décor and design changes are always an option, there’s an even more unique way to transform your home: decorative window film. From kitchens to bathrooms, you can use decorative window film in practically every room [...]

By |August 25, 2021|

4 Ways Window Film Benefits Your Space Without Blocking Your View or Natural Light

When we think of the ideal home or workplace, the first few features that come to mind are often abundant natural light and sweeping outdoor views. In fact, a survey by Future Workplace found that natural light and a view of the outdoors is the number one desired attribute of [...]

By |July 19, 2021|

Decorative Window Tinting for Office Privacy

Many commercial buildings that were closed during the pandemic are reopening, filling vacant offices and empty desks. The hustle-and-bustle of people around the office might be a welcome change compared to working from home, but it might not be as appealing for everyone in a post-pandemic world. Commercial buildings with [...]

By |June 30, 2021|

How Solar Control Film Can Help You Stay Cool This Summer + Additional Benefits

Summer is almost here again, and it seems every year is a little bit hotter than the one before. Now is the perfect time to prepare our homes and offices so they'll be cool and comfortable in the sweltering months ahead. While it sounds simple, maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature [...]

By |May 25, 2021|

Reduce Wear and Tear on HVAC Systems with Window Film

When HVAC systems strain to heat or cool large volumes of air in commercial buildings, this not only runs up utility bills. It also causes undue wear and tear on the heating and cooling systems. This inevitably leads to breakdowns, causing disruption to building routines and affecting occupant comfort levels. [...]

By |March 25, 2021|

Distraction Markers for Safety, Privacy, Branding, & Aesthetics

Distraction markers are bands of frosted or patterned film used to enhance commercial buildings. You've probably seen these markers at eye level on glass partitions or glass walls without taking special notice. But rest assured, they're there for a purpose, working subtly in the background. Here are the four main [...]

By |February 28, 2021|

Request an Estimate

Request an estimate for home tinting or commercial window tinting in Wilmington NC, Southport NC, Jacksonville, NC and surrounding areas in North Carolina. Let us know what products or services you are interested in and one of our window tint specialists will be in touch.

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